Oxford's vaccine Archives - Janmat Samachar ✅ Janmat Samachar.com© provides latest news from India and the world. Get latest headlines from Viral,Entertainment, Khaas khabar, Fact Check, Entertainment. Sun, 26 Jul 2020 10:19:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://janmatsamachar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo-news-JS-48x48.png Oxford's vaccine Archives - Janmat Samachar 32 32 Scientists around the world expressed complete confidence in Oxford’s vaccine https://janmatsamachar.com/scientists-around-the-world-expressed-complete-confidence-in-oxfords-vaccine/ https://janmatsamachar.com/scientists-around-the-world-expressed-complete-confidence-in-oxfords-vaccine/#respond Sun, 26 Jul 2020 10:19:18 +0000 https://janmatsamachar.com/?p=3370 Indian and foreign scientists have expressed confidence in the Oxford University vaccine. However, according to scientists, there is still a long way to go. Kolkata CSIR virologist Prof. Upasana Rai said the emission of antibodies and T-cells has proved that it can be safe for a long time. Prof. of National Institute of Immunology, Delhi. […]

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Indian and foreign scientists have expressed confidence in the Oxford University vaccine. However, according to scientists, there is still a long way to go. Kolkata CSIR virologist Prof. Upasana Rai said the emission of antibodies and T-cells has proved that it can be safe for a long time. Prof. of National Institute of Immunology, Delhi. Satyajit Rath says that no serious side effects were seen, this is the biggest thing. There were some cases of headache and fatigue that can be cured with paracetamol.

Vaccine testing in India by the end of August

The Oxford vaccine will begin trial in India by the end of August. The Serum Institute has also played an important role in making this vaccine. Serum said that if all goes well, the vaccine will be introduced in the market by June next year after testing on 5,000 Indians in August. Institute CEO Adar Poonawala said, the company will prepare 300 million doses by the end of the year.

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