Ambassador of Netherlands with Chairman NDMC participated in Tulip Walk and visited the Tulip Exhibition at Shanti Path.

New Delhi: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) Chairman Shri Amit Yadav and Ambassador of Netherlands, HE Ms. Marisa Gerards  participated in Tulip Walk and also visited the Tulip Exhibition  at Roundabout Crossing Shanti Path, Chanakyapuri New Delhi today.

On the occasion, HE Ms. Marisa Gerards said that the Netherlands embassy is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the  NDMC – Tulip Festival. This beautiful display of tulips is a memory of the State visit to the Netherlands in 2022, when the tulip “Maitri” was baptized by former Honorable President of India – Shri Ram Nath Kovind, to mark 75 years of bilateral relations and friendship between our nations. Good to see the sheer joy of visitors enjoying walks & taking selfies in the tulip fields. Very soon the tulips will start blooming as well in the Netherlands. These tulip fields were once the backdrop of the popular song of the Bollywood movie “Silsila”  A beautiful symbol of the bond between our two countries.

Shri Amit Yadav informed that NDMC is organizing 2nd Edition of its Tulip festival with the 2 lakh Tulips which are blooming in NDMC area in spring season. These Tulips are in different varieties and colours which are sourced from Holland. The tulips are showcasing its beauty and transforming the area of NDMC green spaces into captivating visual spectacles in the NDMC area.

Chairman NDMC also said that people across the Delhi NCR area visit the Tulip parks and click their pictures, take selfies and enjoy the beauty of Tulips. The people are also uploading these pictures of Tulip on the social media handle of NDMC under the NDMC Tulip Photography Competition with the #NDMCTulipFestival.

While giving the detail of Indo-Dutch Music Concert, he said that under the series of Spring Season celebration, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) in collaboration with Embassy of Netherlands is also going to organise a Music Concert by Indo-Dutch Artist on the theme of ‘Song of Water’ at Nehru Park, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi on Saturday, the 17th February, 2024 at 04.00 pm. The entry for the programme at Nehru Park is from Niti Marg and is free for all.

In the background of new blooming of Tulips in eight colours at lush green surrounding of Nehru Park, Eminent Artist Pandit Shubhendra Rao & Maestro Saskia Rao will perform with Shri Pranshu Chaturlal and Shri Heiko Dijker in Indo-Dutch Music Concert.

To celebrate the Spring Season in the New Delhi area, New Delhi Municipal Council is organising a series of events like Tulip festival, Music in the Park, Flower Festival, Rose Festival and Food Festival.

On the occasion, Counsellor, Agriculture of the Dutch Embassy Mr. Michiel Van Erkel,  Secretary, NDMC Shri Krishna Mohan Uppu and Senior officers of NDMC & Embassy of Netherlands were also present.