4.9 lakh Remedesiver vials, 19 foreign oxygen plants delivered to states

4.9 lakh Remedesiver vials, 19 foreign oxygen plants delivered to states

New Delhi | So far, about 4.9 lakh remodevir vials received from abroad as medical covid aid to the states, 11,000 oxygen concentrators, more than 13,000 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen production plants and more than 6,800 ventilators have been sent to the states. These medical relief materials were received from different countries between 27 April and 14 May.

Major consignments received on Thursday and Friday from the US, Italy, Canada, South Corea, Oman, British Oxygen Company (UK), Koharu 3 SP (Japan) and Gilead (US) include Remedisvir (68,810), Tocilizumab (1,000), Ventilator or BiPAP. Or CPAP (338), oxygen cylinder (900) and oxygen concentrator (157).

A coordination cell has been set up in the Union Ministry of Health to coordinate the allocation and allocation of foreign Covid relief material. This cell started functioning on 26 April. A standard operating procedure has been formulated and implemented by the Ministry of Health from 2 May this year.