Gurgaon Fire doused after Rahul Mittra’s tweet

In a classic case of authorities taking quick action after a Samaritan’s call, filmmaker Rahul Mittra spotted a huge fire next to NH8 on way to Gurgaon Wednesday morning after which he immediately took to Twitter and posted a video of the fire and tagged local authorities. ‘Just spotted huge fire next to NH8 on way to Gurgaon! Hope there are no casualties please take action @dcptrafficggm @DC_Gurugram’ wrote @rahulmittra13 Deputy Commissioner Gurugram was quick to reply,

‘Thank you for writing to us. We are sharing feedback with our team,’ marking it to the Municipal Commissioner Gurugram. Soon after that the fire was doused with the municipal commissioner (@MunCorpGurugram ) replying to Mittra, @rahulmittra13 Fire has been extinguished. Our team is also monitoring the respective area, Thank you!