Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vipin Sanghi, Judge, High Court of Delhi & Executive Chairperson, DSLSA has organized National Lok Adalat

New Delhi: Having regard to the current situation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Delhi, Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) under the guidance of Hon’ble
Mr. Justice Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel, Chief Justice, High Court of Delhi & Patron-in-Chief, DSLSA and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vipin Sanghi, Judge, High Court of Delhi & Executive Chairperson, DSLSA has organized National Lok Adalat in a hybrid manner in all District Court Complexes of Delhi on 11th September 2021.  This National Lok Adalat immensely benefited those litigants who were interested to have their matters disposed of amicably and this also reduced the burden of the Courts.

During the course of the day, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vipin Sanghi, Judge, High Court of Delhi & Executive Chairperson, DSLSA also visited Patiala House Courts and interacted with the litigants and discussed their cases.

Shri Kanwal Jeet Arora, Member Secretary, DSLSA along with Shri Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Ld. Principal District & Sessions Judge, New Delhi District, personally supervised the working of the Courts and other arrangements at Patiala House Courts.

In this National Lok Adalat, cases under Section 138, N.I. Act, Criminal Compoundable Cases, civil cases bank recovery matters and cases under Labour Disputes were taken up.

In District Courts complexes, 194 Lok Adalat Benches were constituted wherein total 23,556 cases which includes 223 pre-litigative and 23,333 pending cases, were disposed of pertaining to above mentioned jurisdictions, which were pending at District Courts of Delhi and settlement/fine amount was approx.
Rs. 176.51 Crores.  Out of the aforesaid data, 486 cases of MACT were settled and settlement amount was Rs. 39.41 Crores.   It is further informed that especially in one MACT case maximum compensation which was agreed to be paid by the Insurance Company is Rs.1,18,25,000/-.

Lok Adalat bench was also constituted at Delhi High Court, New Delhi where 33 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 1.42 Crores.

Lok Adalat Benches were also constituted in Debt Recovery Tribunals, New Delhi in which 112 cases were settled and settlement amount was Rs.33.91 Crores.

Moreover, Lok Adalat benches were also constituted at District Consumer Forums where 9 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 41.46 Lakhs.

Further, Lok Adalat benches for settlement of electricity matters were also constituted at Permanent Lok Adalats – II and III, wherein 721 cases were settled and settlement amount was Rs. 2.92 Crores.

In this National Lok Adalat, overall 202 Lok Adalat Benches were constituted in which 24,431 cases were settled and settlement amount was Rs.215.19 Crores.