NDMC approves Citizen Centric, Employee Welfare and Infrastructure related proposals in its Council Meeting

New Delhi: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) in its Council meeting held today presided over by Chairperson – NDMC, Shri Amit Yadav in the presence of Vice-Chairperson – Shri Satish Upadhyay, MLA & Member NDMC, Shri Virender Singh Kadian, Council Members – Shri Kuljeet Singh Chahal, Smt. Vishakha Shailani and Shri Girish Sachdeva considered and approved the various Citizen centric, Employee welfare and infrastructure related proposals.

The important approved proposals are as follows:

1.     Distribution of Pre-loaded Tablets for Digital Learning to the students and teachers of Class-9th to Class 12th in NDMC and Navyug Schools.

NDMC had distributed 811 tablets to the students of Class 10th and 12th in four Schools as pilot project. Now, this project is being extended for procurement and distribution of tablets to the students of classes from 9th to 12th and teachers teaching from 9th to 12th classes of all NDMC/Navyug Schools.

The strength of students from 9th to 12th and teachers teaching in these classes of all NDMC/Navyug schools is 8766. Tablets (out of which 8138 tablets are for students and 628 tablets are for teachers) for current session i.e. 2023-2024 are required.

Therefore, a total of 8766 tablets are proposed to be procured and distributed, exact number may slightly vary as per actual enrollment in 2024-25 academic session in these 4 classes (Class IX to XII) in which these Tablets are likely to be distributed.

The proposal is submitted before the Council for consideration and accordingly approved:-

i.      to procure 8766 tablets through GeM, as per technical specifications and terms & conditions along-with preloaded digital content for distribution to the students and teachers.

ii.    administrative approval and expenditure sanction of Rs. 24.73 Crore (approx.) to procure 8766 tablets through GeM portal by open bidding process.

And to issue the supply order to the L1 bidder, qualifying eligibility criteria by bidding process on GeM portal for procurement of tablets after approval as per Delegation of Financial Power (DoFP).

2.   Up-gradation of 29 Computer Labs in NDMC & Navyug Schools.

The proposal regarding the up – gradation of Computer Labs in 29 NDMC and Navyug Schools which includes the procurement of Computers and its peripherals including Preloaded windows with MS office and Antivirus software, networking, Interactive Flat Panel and Printer with onsite comprehensive warranty for 05 years for the maintenance of the Computer Labs considered by the Council and approved.

3.   Notification of the Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the posts of Junior Assistant of NDMC – Corrigendum thereof.

The proposal for amendment in RR’s of Junior Assistant was submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India.

The MHA has pointed out the ambiguity caused by the mention of “respective grade” in the Resolution which gives a sense that the contractual Data Entry Operator Grade ‘A’ and Clerical Assistant are to be regularized as Data Entry Operator – Grade ‘A’ and Junior Assistant respectively. Accordingly, a minor amendment in the approval was required.

Hence, Council resolved to accord the proposal of the Department with changes to be included appropriately in Recruitment Rules for the post of Junior Assistant to the effect that Clerical Assistants and Data Entry Operator – Grade ‘A’ appointed on contract or ad-hoc basis on or before the 31st January, 2017.

It is also that who continue to render service in Council on the date of commencement of these rules, on the basis of possessing requisite education qualification and experience prescribed for the post and being found fit, with one time relaxation in age and mode of recruitment. They shall be deemed to have been appointed against the vacancies under these Rules of Junior Assistant and they shall be members of the cadre from the date of commencement of the regulations.

4.   Adoption of Office Memorandum regarding Extension of Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) to the practitioners of Indian System of Medicines and Homeopathy.

The Council resolved the proposal of adopting the Office Memorandum dated, 15th September, 2021 issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of AYUSH, Govt. of India wherein as per the 6th Pay Commission Report, recommended that the Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) Scheme recommended by it for Allopathic Doctors should be extended to mutatis mutandis to the doctor of various streams of Indian System of Medicines.

Accordingly, the Council decided that implementing the DACP to practitioners of the Indian System of Medicines and Homeopathy possessing the medical qualifications approved by the Central Council of Indian Medicines/Central Council for Homeopathy.