NDMC enhances Health License fees for Year 2021- 2022


New Delhi: Annual increase in the health license fee for grant / renewal of various trades licenses for carrying out the business activities like hotels, restaurants, coffee shops,  lodging houses, sweet shops and small stalls / kiosks selling daily eatable items, etc. in New Delhi Municipal Council (  NDMC ) area has been effected w.e.f. 01/04/2021, as mandated by Council’s decision of 23.08.2018.

 Under the decision, there would not be any increase for small Kiosks/stalls, Mother Diary booths, water trolleys etc. In rest of the categories also, the increase in amount minimal from Rs 100 to 1700/- annually except in case of 5-Star Hotels.

NDMC would process around 200 cases for health license for this year. Out of these cases, there would be no increase in health license fee for 25% cases, which cover all small shops, stalls, water trolleys etc.

In 40% cases, there would be an increase of Rs 400/-,  30% cases would have increase of Rs 900/, 2% cases have Rs 100 and 1% cases covering Five Star Hotels, etc. would have increase of Rs 4300/- per case per annum.