NDMC organises anti spitting cum anti without mask awareness and challaning Drive in Nehru Park at Chankyapuri.

New Delhi:New Delhi Municipal Council ( NDMC ) Anti Spitting cum Anti Without Mask enforcement drive and challaning Drive successfully carried out in Nehru Park, Chankya Puri , New Delhi today.

About 20 people have been challaned on the spot for not wearing face mask in Nehru Park at Chankya Puri , New Delhi.

Mrs Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament- New Delhi, NDMC-Chairperson, Shri Dharmendra, CEO – Smart Cities, Dr B. M. Mishra, SDM of Chankya Puri, Dr Gunjan sahai-CMO and Dr Vijay Patel – Sr. MO, Public Health Department along with Social Education, Civic wardens of NDMC were participated with enthusiasm.

Mrs Lekhi directed that Nehru Park to be sanitized tomorrow vide a sanitizing equipment to be provided by her.This is to be a regular feature, so as to achieve 100 % compliance of mask wearing by citizens to curb the spread of corona virus infection.

Smt. Meenakshi lekhi suggested for CCTV cameras at strategic locations. She also suggest that at entry point of Park ,arrangement for selling face masks should be operated till this corona crisis is over.

Persuasive compliance by way of explaining, guiding and finally challaning for absolute resistance was the method adopted.


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