Home Health ‘White turmeric’ full of anti-cancer properties, is ‘amrit’ for these diseases

‘White turmeric’ full of anti-cancer properties, is ‘amrit’ for these diseases

New Delhi, March 2 The rare medicinal plant Kachur has a special place in Ayurveda. It has been successful in defeating serious diseases like cancer as well as digestive and skin problems. While the large leaves and beautiful pink flowers will attract your attention, it also has countless benefits.

According to a review report published in the International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research in 2023, Kachur contains a complex range of phytoconstituents. The study revealed its anti-microbial activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties. It is widely used for the treatment of various diseases such as worm infection, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, flatulence, indigestion, ascites etc.

Kachur is a multi-purpose Ayurvedic medicine, which is beneficial for cancer, digestive, skin, respiratory and bone problems. It is said that it is a medicine rich in anti-cancer properties, which is used in Ayurveda to treat many serious diseases.

Kachur is a part of the ginger family and its scientific name is Curcuma Zedoria. It is also known as white turmeric. Kachur is helpful in preventing cancer and preventing tumors. Apart from this, it also has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, which prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Also, the curcumin element present in it reduces the risk of cancer.

It is said that consuming Kachur during chemotherapy gives strength to the body. Also, it strengthens the digestive system and is also helpful in increasing appetite. Apart from this, it is also beneficial in reducing indigestion, gas and acidity.

Not only this, Kachur works to help in liver and gall bladder problems. Consuming it eliminates the harmful bacteria present in the stomach and is considered beneficial in asthma and respiratory diseases.

Also, Kachur powder or juice is beneficial in asthma, cold and cough. Apart from this, it also provides relief in joint pain and swelling. Kachur has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in reducing arthritis and joint pain.

Kachur paste removes problems like pimples, blemishes and eczema. Also, it helps in improving the skin and protecting it from infection.


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