Along with keeping the metabolism system right, cumin water is also effective for obesity

New Delhi, September 21 . Although every spice kept in the spice box of Indian kitchen has its own importance and taste. If we talk about cumin, which is used to spice vegetables, then it is considered beneficial for health along with enhancing the taste.

It is believed that consuming cumin water frees you from many types of diseases. To get more information about this, IANS spoke to medical dietician and wellness expert Riddhi Khanna.

Listing the countless benefits of drinking cumin water on an empty stomach, Riddhi Khanna said, “Some such elements are found in cumin which work to keep our digestive system right, because our digestive system has a special role in our body. If our digestive system is strong, then we can protect our body from many diseases. ”

The dietician further said, “The problem of bloating is seen a lot in people these days. Cumin water is very beneficial in this. It also helps in keeping the metabolism system right.”

He said that along with keeping the metabolism right, it also works to reduce obesity. Along with this, it also keeps you full of energy throughout the day.

He further said that although cumin water is very beneficial in itself, but if it is taken by mixing coriander, celery and fennel, then it gives miraculous benefits.

While advising the people who crave for tea and coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning, the dietician said that cumin water can be a better option for those people. Consuming tea and coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning is harmful for health, because it increases the amount of acid in the body. Cumin contains many types of nutrients along with high fiber, which help in keeping a person healthy.

Let us tell you that consuming cumin water on an empty stomach keeps the blood circulation right. It also helps maintain insulin levels in the body.