New Delhi: Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Draupadi Murmu called upon the students to dream new and big to build a new India and a new world. The President was addressing as
the chief guest at the 99th convocation of the University of Delhi. On this occasion, while addressing the students who got degree and medal, she said that all of you are going to choose your career according to your education and inclination. But, if your dream is limited to your career, then you all will not be able to do justice to yourself and the society. The scope and responsibility of your thinking should be more. The ceremony was organized on Saturday at the Multipurpose Auditorium located in the Sports Complex of the University, in which Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Education and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India was also present as a guest of honour along with the Chief Guest, President Mrs. Draupadi Murmu. The function was presided over by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Delhi, Prof. Yogesh Singh.

In her address, the President told the students that the main aim of education is to become a better human being. She said that being big in life is a good thing, but being good is even bigger. Similarly, searching for life on Mangal through science is a good thing, but searching
for mangal, i.e. happiness and well being, in life with good thinking is an even bigger thing.

The President said that this convocation is a joyous occasion for all the teachers and also for the families of the students. She said that this convocation has been organized during the centenary year of the University of Delhi and at this time the countrymen too are celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence and our country has entered the Amrit

Referring to the glorious history of the University of Delhi, Mrs. Draupadi Murmu said that the students of this University had actively participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930. During the Quit India Movement of 1942, many students of the University revolted and went to jail. The University, she said, is blessed in this manner with the sacrifices of the freedom fighters. Calling upon the students, she said that taking inspiration from those sons of Mother India, you all have to build a new India. In her address, the President said that our country has been a country that has adopted new and deep ideas.

The thoughts of Vedas and Upanishads, Lord Mahavira and Buddha are still alive in our country. From Silicon Valley to Sydney, Indians have carved a respectable place in workplaces all over the world. The talent of Indians is appreciated globally. She said that we should respect all languages and cultures, but always stay connected to our roots.
Vitality and creativity come from ones roots only. The President said that it was Mahatma
Gandhi's suggestion that while being firm to our Indian soil and roots, we should adopt the best knowledge and science available in the whole world. Our young generation should give importance to this suggestion of the Father of the Nation.
Reliving the memories of her life on the occasion, the President said that I was the first girl from my village to study in the city from my small village in Odisha. There will be many such students among you too, whose no family or village member would have received a university level education before them. Such students are very talented and struggling. They come here with great enthusiasm to fulfil their dreams. Sometimes, such situations arise due to which the feelings of inferiority complex comes in these students. This should not happen in any sensitive society. It is the responsibility of all teachers and students to respect and encourage such students. We should all ask ourselves some basic questions about students coming from relatively less privileged families. She said that it is a matter of pleasure that out of 6 students who received medals from me today, 3 students are physically challenged.

This is the result of their indomitable courage and hard work. The President especially congratulated these students. She said that it is a matter of pride for this University that 52% of the students enrolled at the undergraduate level for the academic session 2022-23
are girls. She was also happy to see that even among the students who get degrees and medals today, the number of girls is more than boys. In this change, we see a picture of a newly developed and inclusive India.

Mrs. Draupadi Murmu told the students that due to the consumerist concepts of development and civilization, the challenges of pollution and climate change etc. are
taking a formidable form. Previous generations have done good things and they have also made some mistakes. I want today's young generation to take forward the good and rectify the mistakes. On this occasion, while congratulating the students who received degrees and medals, she also blessed them for their golden future.
Presiding over the program at the beginning of the ceremony, the welcome speech was given by Vice- Chancellor Prof. Yogesh Singh. During this, introducing Her Excellency President Mrs. Draupadi Murmu in front of everyone, he also made a detailed mention of her political life journey. Along with this, he also welcomed Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Education and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India. In his address, the Vice- Chancellor also congratulated and gave best wishes to all the students.
He also described in detail the glorious development journey of 100 years of the University of Delhi, which started from May 1, 1922 with three colleges. The Vice-Chancellor said that this University
has been continuously organizing its convocation since 1923. It doesn't happen often, but we did it, and it's a matter of pride. Prof. Yogesh Singh said that in the NIRF
ranking in 2022, Miranda House College of our University ranked first in the country while Hindu College ranked second. Lady Shri Ram College stood fifth, ARSD seventh and Kirori Mal College stood 10th. He told that out of 25 best colleges in the country, 14 are
DU colleges. At the end of his speech, he wished the degree-awarded students all the best for their future life and urged them to work for the benefit of the nation.
At the end of the program vote of thanks was proposed by the Dean of Examinations Prof. DS Rawat. On this occasion, Director of Delhi University's South Delhi Campus, Prof. Sri Prakash Singh, Dean of Colleges Prof. Balaram Pani, Registrar Dr. Vikas Gupta, PRO Mr. Anoop Lathar, Director of SOL Prof. Payal Mago, Dean of Examinations Prof. DS Rawat and Dean Students Welfare Prof. Pankaj Arora along with all other deans, heads of departments, teachers, officers and hundreds of students were present.