Google Photos Unlimited Storage Closed From June 1, 2021

Google Photos Unlimited Storage Closed From June 1, 2021

NEW DELHI | With the help of Google Photos, users have been able to get rid of storage problems by saving their countless photos in it. However, the company is now going to stop its free service. Now if you upload more than 15 GB on your account, then you have to pay for it. Google Photos will continue this service to save unlimited photos and videos for free until May 31, 2021, but from June 1, 2021, the use of more than 15 GB of storage will have to be repaid. Other services of the company such as Google Drive and Gmail already include this rule.

Simrit Ben-Yaar, vice president of Google Photos, said in a statement that any new photo or video saved on Google Photos before June 1, 2021 would be included in that storage limit of 15 GB. You can verify any of your backup quality in the Photos app by going to the backup and sync option in the settings.

After the time limit given by the company, whenever the storage limit will reach near 15 GB, users will be informed by email or app notification.