NDMC announces 10% rebates in the Property Tax Bills till 31st December, 2020

New Delhi: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has announced 10% rebates as mentioned in the Property Tax Bills would be allowed on payment of tax on or before 31st December 2020 and 5% rebates are applicable upto 31st January 2021.

NDMC has already authenticated the assessment list for the year 2020-21 to determine the tax liability on property tax owners in NDMC Area in a Public Notice issued earlier dated 05th November 2020.

Consequent to this exercise, the property tax bills are being sent to all the property owners and it is expected that these will be received by all assesses by 20th November 2020. In case, any assessee does not receive the bill by end of this month, duplicate bill can be obtained from the Accounts Officer (Property Tax Department), NDMC from Palika Kendra, New Delhi between 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM by personal visit or by sending the request on email at vinaybehl2640@gmail.com.

NDMC is also informed that some of the assessees who have challenged the Bye-Laws, 2009 (Unit Area Method) in Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, their Rateable Value was required to be re-fixed with effect from 1st April 2010 as per the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and in most of the cases this exercise has been completed. However, there are still few cases pending for assessment on account of non-availability of desired information from such assessees and there may be chances that bills are dispatched to such assessees on the basis of earlier Rateable Value as the bills are computer-generated.

In such type of cases, assessees are requested to kindly ignore the Rateable Value indicated on bill and make the payment of tax as per their own self-assessment on an actual rent basis if the property is on rent or on the basis of old Rateable Value till the new assessment is finalized. The arrears will be decided once the assessment process in respect of all such cases is completed under the provisions of Section 63(1) of NDMC Act.

NDMC would also organize camps in consultation with Resident Welfare Associations (RWA’s) in their colonies during December 2020 to facilitate senior citizens for payment of tax in view of Covid-19 situation in the city.