New Delhi: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) in its Council Meeting held today presided over by Shri Dharmendra in the presence of Vice-Chairperson – NDMC, Shri Satish Upadhyay, MLA & Member NDMC, Shri Virender Singh Kadiyan apart from other NDMC Members Shri Kuljeet Singh Chahal, Shri Girish Sachdeva & Smt Vishakha Sailanim, Shri Vikas Anand – Commissioner, EDMC and Secretary-NDMC – Ms. Isha Khosla considered and approved the Citizen-Centric and Employee welfare proposals in the agenda items placed before it:-
NDMC is a power discom and intends to make itself a complete Green Energy consumer. NDMC has embarked upon an ambitious journey of shifting to a 100% renewable energy municipal body of the Country. NDMC has decided to not renew its power purchase agreement with thermal power generating stations after its expiry. In parallel NDMC is taking up fresh purchase agreements with only renewable power providers including hydel and solar energy.

Accordingly, Council approved the procurement of 142 MW hydro power from Teesta-III on Medium term basis i.e. for three years and further extendable upto two years through M/s PTC India Ltd. @ Rs.5.03/kWh (inclusive transmission charges and losses) at delivery point which is NDMC area.
2. SMART ROADS : NDMC is developing Smart Roads that are not only aesthetically evolved but also designed to ensure user convenience and experience without compromising their safety. Council has approved the two projects for Resurfacing of Roads.
Resurfacing of eight avenue roads with cold milling process : It has been observed that the condition of some avenue roads has deteriorated and completed five year period, and it has been decided that Strengthening and Resurfacing of these avenue roads is required to be done with cold milling process for improving the riding quality of avenue roads and for maintaining existing level of road.
Details of these roads are as under:-1.Tilak Marg, 2.KG Marg, 3. Dr.Zakir Hussain Marg, 4.Pandara Road, 5. Tolstoy Marg, 6.Hailey Road, 7. Tansen Marg,8. Babar Road. ∙ The total cost of the project is Rs.7,25,80,900/-
3. 120 TYPE-II FLATS For EMPLOYEES AT SECTOR-VII, PUSHP VIHAR, SAKET, NEW DELHI (COMPOSITE WORK) required the Sewage Treatment Plant with the capacity 100 KLD (MBBR Based). For proper commissioning of STP various mechanical and filter parts are needed to installed in it. This STP is based on MBBR technology.
Council has approved the detailed estimate amounting to Rs- 50,79,900/- with 5% contingencies for supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of all mechanical & filter parts of Sewage Treatment Plant for the capacity 100 KLD (MBBR Based) with two years running and maintenance cost.
4. AZAADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV IN NDMC: Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the glorious history of it’s people, culture and achievements.
Under the true spirit of ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, NDMC has organised 27 events in a series involving all stake holders of NDMC i.e. students, citizens, officers and staff of NDMC, RWA and MTA etc.
NDMC also proposing to celebrate the ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahostav in coming days and also planned 12 events to be organised in a series:
1. AKAM Logo is routinely displayed at NDMC website. in NDMC Communications & Social Media posts and will continue, 2. A Sculpture Camp to carve out 12 black stone sculptures is being organized…