NDMC organising online Jan Suvidha Camp for Redresses Public Grievances through Video conferencing

NDMC organising online Jan Suvidha Camp for Redresses Public Grievances through Video conferencing

New Delhi: NDMC has taken the several technology based initiatives to address public issues and grievances and also to improve efficiency in the administration of its various services.

Expanding further in this direction a novel method to redress the public grievances directly through Video Conferencing’ has also been initiated by NDMC. Accordingly, NDMC is organizing ‘Jan Suvidha Camp’ on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month between 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM to attend and redress public grievances and to resolve the same without a visit to any NDMC Office.

In this process, the Residents of the NDMC area would register their grievances on 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month between 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM on the URL Link (https://online.ndmc.gov.in/online_grv/) and after the registration of the grievance, the complainant will get a Video Conference link on next day ( Friday ) by 05:00 PM.

On Saturday the Head of the Departments will be present virtually to hear the each registered grievance between 11:00 AM to 2.00 PM and every person would be given 10 minutes slot to present his / her grievance and to get redressed of the same accordingly.

If the grievance is not resolved on the spot, the written communication will be sent within one week by the concerned Head of the Departments and an Office Order on the issue has also been issued by NDMC on 22nd June 2021.

This Video Jan Suvidha Camps would restart public interaction of NDMC officials with citizens to address their grievances which had been reduced due to the COVID-19 situation.