NDMC Ranked Number One under less than a million city category and received National Award from MoHUA on Municipal Performance Index 2020

New Delhi: NDMC Ranked Number One under less than a million city category and received National Award from MoHUA on Municipal Performance Index 2020.

Hon’ble Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs declared the results of Municipal Performance Index 2020 today.  New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) was declared first in Municipal Performance Index and best performing Municipality in all State and UTs under less than a million population category.

The Chairman, NDMC – Shri Dharmendra, acknowledged the prestige recognition bestowed upon NDMC by Hon’ble Minister MoHUA on behalf of NDMC.

After receiving the award, Chairman-NDMC, Shri Dharmendra said that since its launch in year 2019, NDMC has been participating in the MPI across all 5 sets of vertical which are Services, Finance, Planning, Technology and Governance. NDMC’s endeavor has been to improve and provide its citizens an outstanding quality of life. Active participation for improving MPI (Municipal Performance Index) over the year has provided us good insight and learning opportunities to improve and scale the quality of municipal services in NDMC Area. As a result of NDMC has achieved No. 1 rank in the whole nation improving upon its 65th rank in the year 2019.

He further informed that, in the field of Services and Governance, NDMC has taken several Information Technology-based initiatives through technology intervention for the strengthening of e-Governance and m-Governance to improve efficiency and effectiveness in providing civic services in an equitable, non-discretionary and transparent manner.

NDMC’s 311 mobile app, online bill tracking system, QR based response mechanism in public toilets are some of the initiatives. NDMC has digitized all records pertaining to civic services.

Congratulating the employees of NDMC, the Chairman said that the credit for getting the award goes to the efforts of all employees. NDMC Chairman also expressed its gratitude to the NDMC Council, Hon’ble Lt. Governor Delhi, MHA and MoHUA for continued guidance and support. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the residents and visitors to the NDMC area for making it the best Performing Municipality with their active participation and constructive feedback.