Friday, February 21, 2025
HomeNationalDelhiNDMC taking intensive measures to Control “Air Pollution ” in its area efficiently

NDMC taking intensive measures to Control “Air Pollution ” in its area efficiently

New Delhi: Aiming to reduce pollutants in the air in it’s area, New Delhi Municipal Council (  NDMC ) is taking intensive measures to  initiative for Control of  “Air Pollution” in New Delhi with all manpower and machinery at war foot level around the clock.

In view to curb the air population, NDMC is being taken the follwing initiatives :-

Control of Dust Emissions ·  Mechanical Road Sweepers (MRS): NDMC has deployed seven Mechanical Road Sweepers (MRS) in 02 Shifts with GPS tracking for wet sweeping. The average sweeping length per day is 280-350 Km by the MRS out of a total 365 km sweeping length. All avenue roads are mechanically cleaned daily or on alternate days. Monitoring of route, km length covered, the running of MRS also monitored by 24×7 through NDMC  Integrated Command & Control Centre at Headquarter – Palika Kendra.

·  Green paving provided along the road: There is no unpaved area in NDMC the central verges and side berms are already green paved. A target for plantation during the 2023- 2024 has been taken up Trees – 3200 Nos. and Shrubs – 3312885 Nos. Completed successfully.

All the centre verge of the roads has already been converted into the green belt and the gaps arise which have been filled up from time to time. There are no potholes on the roads under the jurisdiction of NDMC if any found the restoration is to be made simultaneously.

·   Anti-smog Gun: One anti-smog gun/mist spray machine has been procured by the NDMC and being used at Pt. Pant Marg in the NDMC area.

·   Water Sprinklers: NDMC has deployed 18 Nos. of water tanker/trolley of 5000 Ltr. to 10000 Ltr. the capacity of water by making 02/03 trips for water sprinkling on trees and shrubs along the main roads using STP-treated water.These are continuing under working by the dedicated teams . These are regularly monitoring by the Senior Officers / HoD level.

·  Large construction sites: A team of officers under the control of the Director (EBR), NDMC has constituted inspection of construction sites for enforcing dust mitigation measures. As many as 36 Nos. Challans of Rs.50,000/- have been issued as per the Guidelines of National Green Tribunal ( NGT ) against the violators.

·  Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste: C & D waste in the NDMC area is collected on a daily basis and is being sent to dumping ground at Okhla C & D waste  Recycling Plant . Avg. 65.22 MT/Day of C&D waste collecting and sending to  recycling plant.

In the NDMC area there are 14 designated sites for collection of C&D waste of large capacity. There is no vacant plot in the NDMC area for the dumping of C&D waste/malba in the NDMC area.

·  Unauthorized dumping of C&D waste: A 03 members team is being regularly inspected the NDMC area and any violations found the challans are being issued on account of unauthorized dumping of C&D waste against the violators.

2. Patrolling teams to detect garbage/horticulture waste and it’s burning

· A 14 members teams of field officers (Health, Horticulture & Civil departments) have been deployed, for the whole NDMC area (including 01 team for the night) which reports every day.

·    In addition, 14 teams of the Health Department are deployed circle-wise, day time carrying out the inspection on account of waste burning.

· Action is being taken by the inspection teams when and where any violation found related to the garbage/horticulture waste for the dumpping or burning is reported.

3. Vehicular Emission Control

·     Charging infrastructure: To promote the E- Vehicle in its area as per National Mobility Program 100 nos. Electric Vehicle Public Charging Stations have been installed and commissioned in the NDMC area. Other e- Vehicle Charging Stations commissioning work is in progress.

4. Washing of Roads and Pavements

On daily basis in the special cleanliness drive, Swachhta Teams are being not only sweeping the pavement and roads by brooms but also washing by water to wash the dust or other air pollution elements. This initiative is very important for reducing the air pollution in NDMC area.

# Daily Lakhs of people from different walks of life visiting the New Delhi area. So, it is more important for us to prevent and control air pollution in the New Delhi area.

# NDMC urges the visitors and citizens of the New Delhi area to play a role to control air pollution at an Individual level also. As nature cannot resolve and prevent pollution on its own, it becomes the duty of human being to resolve and prevent the pollution in the environment by himself.

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