New Delhi Municipal Council approved 14 Nos. of proposals in a Council Meeting held today

Council approved 14 Nos. of proposals in a Council Meeting held today

New Delhi: The Council meeting of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) was held today and was presided over by Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister, Delhi in the presence of its Members, Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament, New Delhi and Shri Virender Singh Kadian, Member & MLA Delhi Cantt. and other Members apart from Shri Dharmendra, Chairperson, NDMC and Dr. B.M. Mishra, Secretary, NDMC. The following 14 items were approved by the Council :-

Ø Preliminary estimate for replacement of LT Panels and Bus Ducting in M/N & M/S Area.

Ø Award of work to the L-1 firm for the outsourcing of Nursing Orderlies/Multitasking workers for Palika Meternity Hospital – Lodhi Colony, New Delhi for a period of three years by calling tender through GeM Portal.

Ø [PALIKA-NET] Implementation of MPLS [Multiprotocol Lable Switching] connectivity between Palika Kendra and 210 Nos. of Remote Offices and other Establishments to have seamless e-office functioning in NDMC.

Ø Improvement of Vidyut Bhawan SH: Renovation/Modification of Block A,B,C, Vidyut Bhawan Office Complex at Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam Azad Road [Composite Work] by providing and placing New Furniture.

Ø Revival of 04 Posts of Assistant Commercial Officer [Category-‘A’ post] rendered deemed abolished due to not having filled on regular basis for more than 02 years.

Ø Revival of 06 vacancies of Supdt. Engineer(Elect.) & 16 vacancies of Executive Engineer[Elect.] rendered deemed abolished due to not having filled on regular basis for more than 02 years.

Ø Purchase of HT 11KV, 350MVA, single bus bar, indoor, VCB Switchgear panel boards with its separate Control and Relay Panels.

Ø Preliminary estimate for replacement of CT&PT for installation of ABT meter for AMI/AMR reading at receiving and end at various ESS in NDMC of emanating 33KV/11KV feeders from grid substations DTL/BYPL.

Ø Replacement of conventional HPSV street light fittings with energy-efficient LED warm light [2700K-3000K] fittings having intelligent control system including poles, cables, flood lights etc.

Ø Notification of the RRs for the posts of Director(Hort.), Dy. Director(Hort.), Asstt. Director(Hort.) and Section Officer(Hort.) of the Horticulture Department of NDMC.

Ø Creation of Post of Director(Ayush) for newly created Directorate of Ayush in NDMC. One post of Director(Ayush) in the Pay Matrix Level-14 Rs.144200-218200.

Ø Creation of the Post of Director, School of Gardening in Horticulture Department in NDMC. One post of Director, School of Gardening in the pay scale of PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.7600/- revised to Level-12 in 7th CPC.

Ø Reward/Scheme for NDMC employees in Group-B and C category including RMR and Contractual Employees who perform their duty in devotional, outstanding and excellent manner in their respective fields to provide the civic amenities or other services to New Delhi citizens. Council approved for institution of ” Palika Samman ” and ” Palika Prashasti ” award for NDMC employees cash component , citation and momento to motivate the employees of NDMC to achieve excellence in providing municipal services to the citizens.

Ø Providing financial assistance to the children in case of death of parents in case either of them working on Regular basis, Contractual basis or Daily Wages employees of NDMC during Pandemic COVID-19 or due to death by any other ground.

Council approved the for reimbursement of school fees up to the age of 21 years of children, payment up to Rs. 15,000/ – every year towards purchase of stationary including books , payment of Rs. 10,000/- every year towards purchase of uniform and Rs. 2,000/- per month scholarship to each child besides extending cashless medical health scheme of NDMC to such children