Chairman NDMC reviewed transparency and vigilance in governance

New Delhi: “To improve transparency in governance and better service delivery to citizens, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has progressively been digitised .work to further digitise all data, files & property records is in full swing. NDMC is the first Civic Body in Delhi which has implemented the e-office application for office work. For service delivery to citizens 49 services are available in online mode . Further all e-governance modules are also being audited for their performance check. Online and e- mode of Property tax, licence fees and salary of contract employees are measures that have been implemented and are beneficial to the citizen as well as employees in bringing about transparency.”

This was observed by Chairman, NDMC Shri Dharmendra in a management meeting of the Vigilance Department of NDMC in the presence of Ms.Garima Singh , CVO and Ms.Isha Khosla – Secretary and the Heads of the Departments and other officials today.

Chairman, NDMC reviewed the pendency report on various vigilance cases and issued directions to HOD’s to resolve the pending references in a time bound manner. On the issue of identification of sensitive posts in the organization, he suggested that in coordination with vigilance and personnel department, a list of sensitive post must be prepared in accordance with CVC Guidelines .

The Chairman NDMC has also suggested to organize a training program/workshop once in a month on ethics values in personal and professional life for the staff as well as officers of NDMC.