Effects of covid – 19


Tanushka Bansal

Over the past year, we have come across unprecedented changes across the world. COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life.  This pandemic has affected thousands of people, who are either sick or are being killed due to the spread of this disease.  Being a unique viral disease implicating humans for the first time, vaccines are not yet accessible.  In this article, I will be confiding my readers what are the harmful effects of Covid – 19 on humankind.

Covid – 19 causes so many ailments and respiratory syndromes in the human body. Primarily infects the lungs that can cause death,  Repeated coughs, bone pain,  fever, and  Irregular breathing problems also cause effects on our mental health – In terms of mental health, it includes stress, anxiety, depression, frustration.

Causes effects of voluble virtual classes for students can have problems like poor vision, weak eyesight, headache, neck pain that can also affect their body.

Increasing food prices – Due to the impact of Covid – 19 production of essential commodities were affected, farmers could not work in their field as required labour was not available. Thereby it has impacted the increasing cost price of food.

Skyrocketed Unemployment among youth – Due to covid-19 shops,
industries remain closed for a long period resulting in large scale unemployment