India Art, Architecture, and Design Biennale 2023 Begins at Red Fort, Delhi

Delhi, December 8, 2023 – The India Art, Architecture, and Design Biennale (IAADB) 2023 commenced at the historic Red Fort in Delhi with an inaugural ceremony on December 8. Running from December 9 to 15, this grand cultural event will remain open to the public until March 31, 2024. The biennale is a flagship initiative of the Ministry of Culture, aiming to foster a global cultural dialogue and strengthen India’s creative industries.

The biennale brings together a diverse spectrum of artists, architects, designers, photographers, collectors, connoisseurs, curators, academics, students, and young professionals. It serves as a platform for showcasing artistic excellence while promoting cross-disciplinary interactions across age, gender, and genre lines.

Themed Pavilions Showcasing India’s Rich Heritage

The event features seven themed pavilions, each highlighting a unique aspect of Indian architecture, design, and cultural heritage:

  • Day 1: Pravesh (Doors of India) – Rite of Passage
  • Day 2: Bagh-e-Bahar (Gardens of India) – Gardens as Universe
  • Day 3: Sampravah (Baolis of India) – Confluence of Communities
  • Day 4: Sthapatya (Temples of India) – Antifragile Algorithm
  • Day 5: Vismaya (Architectural Wonders of Independent India) – Creative Crossovers
  • Day 6: Deshaj (Indigenous Design) – Bharat x Design
  • Day 7: Samatva (Women in Architecture and Design) – Shaping the Built

A Global Cultural Initiative

The biennale has been designed to invigorate India’s cultural space and leverage the arts for global cultural diplomacy. The event is also a significant opportunity for grassroots artisans, contemporary designers, and thought leaders to showcase their talent and contribute to India’s creative industries.

Objectives of IAADB 2023:

  • Celebrate India’s artistic, architectural, and design heritage, spanning ancient, modern, contemporary, and tech-driven innovations.
  • Provide a platform for traditional artisans, grassroots creators, and contemporary designers to present their works.
  • Enhance global engagement through cultural diplomacy.

Diverse Participation from Across India

The Ministry of Culture has invited artists and curators from across the country to take part in various elements of the biennale, including themed pavilions, open-call exhibitions, art workshops, student biennale, and an art bazaar.

  • Themed Pavilions – Featuring mural artists, installation artists, graphic designers, and model makers, with curators and research teams drawn from academic institutions nationwide.
  • Open Call Exhibition – Out of 560 submissions, 150 artists from across India have been selected for a public, crowd-sourced exhibition.
  • Student Biennale – Over 600 architecture schools and 5,000+ design students from 500+ institutions are participating in the Student Biennale at Lalit Kala Akademi.
  • Art Workshops & Bazaar – 15+ art workshops and 25+ vendors are showcasing artware, representing diverse artistic traditions from across the country.
  • Aatmanirbhar Centre for Design (ABCD) – Featuring artisans and craft persons from 20 states.

Government’s Support for the Biennale

The event is being funded through the sanctioned budget of the Ministry of Culture. Union Minister for Culture, Tourism, and Development of the North Eastern Region, Shri G. Kishan Reddy, provided this information in the Lok Sabha today, emphasizing the government’s commitment to promoting India’s cultural and creative industries.

With its grand vision and diverse participation, the India Art, Architecture, and Design Biennale 2023 promises to be a landmark event in India’s cultural landscape, reinforcing its position as a hub for artistic excellence and innovation.