Dr. Sweta chakraborty is a risk and behavioral scientist. She is recognised as an expert communicator who aids household decision makers to better prepare for existing and emerging risks in order to survive and thrive on a rapidly changing planet.
From climate change,food and water insecurity and scarcity, social strife, over population and pandemics.
Dr Sweta chakraborty is a go-to person to learn the truth about, implications of, and the solutions to the risk that threaten Human security and well being.
Here are few glimpses of the interview being given to the “Team Janmat Samachar”.

1) Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, could you please give a brief introduction to our Indian Audience.
I am a risk and behavioral scientist motivated by the need for clear, credible, evidence-based communication to urgently and proactively manage the risks that threaten human security and well-being from climate change to COVID-19.
Dr Sweta chakraborty Twitter glimpse
.@ratemyskyperoom I need your rating on this as soon once we air! I’m going on @newsmax and @MSNBC from my parent’s house in NJ. My dad is the production assistant 😂 pic.twitter.com/GiiKzUS4tN
— Dr. Sweta Chakraborty (@swetac) May 29, 2020
Dr Sweta Chakraborty biography and education
My family is from Kolkata, but I was born in New Jersey and did most of my schooling in the UK, including my postdoctorate at Oxford University. Nowhere in the world is safe from the impacts of climate change, and this is especially true of India and the Bay of Bengal, where I still have most of my family. I am doing my part in addressing the climate crisis by communicating real risk so that people can be better informed to make better decisions for their families and communities.
Dr Sweta Chakraborty Interview
2) What are your accomplishments in the field of Behaviour sciences?
I am the host of the podcast”Risky Behavior” that analyzes current events from a behavioral science vantage point. I am also a correspondent for multiple publications, book author, globally recognized keynote speaker, and am regularly interviewed on global media outlets such as CNN and the BBC.
I apply my expertise in behavioral science as the U.S. Representative for “We Don’t Have Time,” the Sweden-based tech start-up that launched Viral Global fame Greta Thunberg. I also installed Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and civil strife, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.
Dr Sweta Chakraborty Facebook glimpse
Bad human behaviors have caused climate change and its subsequent impacts; this includes the more frequent emergence of infectious diseases. Full segment at https://t.co/yScLAwoWbO @FutureCoalition #earthdaylive pic.twitter.com/ZqkWGXD7k1
— Dr. Sweta Chakraborty (@swetac) April 23, 2020
3) We have also heard about your social initiatives . Tell us more about it.
I serve on the board of the Serendipity Foundation, where I fund global non-profits such as Madre and the EcoHealth Alliance. The foundation’s work can be seen at www.serendipitygrants.org. I am also on the board for America Adapts and We Don’t Have Time and I serve as an ambassador for organizations like Scientista and Dreamwakers, which encourage women and minorities to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.
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4) How is Covid-19 pandemic affecting the mental health of America citizens?
COVID-19’s primary impacts have resulted in 130k+ deaths in America already and rising. There are also secondary and tertiary impacts to consider from the disease as well as policies implemented to attempt to mitigate against the disease, such as increased adverse mental health outcomes including suicide. COVID-19 is exacerbating existing mental health challenges, which even before COVID-19 desperately required more government attention and resources.
5) There are no gains without pains. What are the hardships you have faced till now?
I’ve had significant setbacks including not getting into the schools, programs, or jobs I’ve wanted. We are resilient by nature and we can convince ourselves that things happen for a reason. The alternative path to the one we initially wanted eventually begins to feel like it was ultimately a better path. This is a powerful evolutionary trait that allows us to persevere, and we should be thankful for it.
6) Do you wish to announce your own venture in future ?
My team and I have been working on a 10 episode docu-series titled: “Welcome to Your New Home: Earth.” The planet is rapidly warming, and the public needs to understand what this new, hotter earth will mean for their daily lives.
I am also working on my second book titled “Overreacting! How Unfounded Public Outrage Hinders Human Progress.”
7) Seeing the current situation of Covid-19 , There will be a huge job crisis in U.S , Do you agree?
This is a moment in history we can rebuild failing institutions that allowed previous generations in America to amass great wealth, or we can disrupt the system that is no longer allowing for pursuit of the American dream. COVID-19 shone a spotlight into the many layers of inequity in America, and it’s critical that the COVID crisis doesn’t perpetuate the economic suffering that was already rampant.
There will be some suffering regardless, but there is opportunity to limit the economic crisis to a short term consequence of COVID-19, and allow for a more equitable system to emerge for long-term sustainabalty and equal opportunity.
8) 5 years down the line, at which position you see yourself in your career?
I will be communicating critical risk and science information to the global public through traditional and social media channels. We need more women and scientists to develop into strong, trusted communicators. This is my passion and my ambition.
9) Do you think electing Joe Biden is the correct choice in November 2020?
Removing Donald Trump is critical because of the damage he has done in his capacity as America’s environmental steward. Our planet is rapidly warming and we cannot afford American leadership that ignores or undoes climate policy progress. Because we have a 2-party system, Biden is the only realistic option to replace Trump.
10) At last, what will be your advice to the vibrant youth of India who wishes to make a wonderful future in Behavioural sciences?
India is the world’s largest democracy and has a significant role to play in ensuring a fair and livable future on a warmer planet. We need the youth of India to contribute their creativity and intellect to solving some of the significant challenges ahead…not just science and technology ingenuity, but also in advancing the understanding of human behavior.
Behavioral science innovations are part of the tool kit we have to stave off the worst-case impacts of climate change, including future COVID-19 type events. Everyone has a role to play and a contribution to make, especially the youth of India.