NDMC approved Citizen-Centric, Infrastructure and Employee Welfare related proposals in its Council Meeting

New Delhi:New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) in its Council meeting held today presided over by Chairperson – NDMC, Shri Amit Yadav in the presence of Vice-Chairperson – Shri Satish Upadhyay, MLA & Member NDMC, Shri Virender Singh Kadian, Council Members – Shri Kuljeet Singh Chahal, Smt. Vishakha Shailani and Shri Girish Sachdeva considered and approved the various employee welfare related proposals.

The important approved proposals are as follows:

  1.  Renaming of ‘Aurobindo Marg’ under the jurisdiction of NDMC as ‘Sri Aurobindo Marg’

To respect the sentiments of people, the need to recognize and honour great men and women of our times, roads/ streets/ institutions have been re-named in the past. Aurobindo Marg is a long road stretched from the end of Tughlak Road to the Qutub Minar, Mehrauli.

In NDMC, the Aurobindo Marg starts from the end of Tughlak Road and ends at Yusuf Sarai Market and rest of the part of the road i.e. from Yusuf Sarai to Qutub Minar, Mehrauli comes under the jurisdiction of PWD.

Council approved the renaming of Aurobindo Marg under the jurisdiction of NDMC as ‘Sri Aurobindo Marg’.

  1. Annual Estimate for the Maintenance of Parks and Gardens 2023-24.

NDMC maintains public greenspace of approximately 1100 acre area within its jurisdiction which comprises Gardens, Colony Parks, Roadside Trees, Roundabouts, School greens, Greens of NDMC office, markets and residential complexes, open green spaces etc. Being the capital of the Country, it is necessary to maintain the greens in the best of its shape and landscape.

The Council resolved Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction to estimate amounting to Rs. 748 Lakhs for “Annual Maintenance of Parks & Gardens during 2023-24”.

  1. Revision of Health License granting requirements

Council approved amendment in the previous orders regarding requirement of documentary proof of ownership/occupancy for granting of Health License. This amendment passed only for the proof of ownership and all other document requirement remain the same as previous.

  1. Fast tracking Project Approvals delegation in r/o Pre-Investment / Pre- Project Activities

Conceptualization of Projects and implementation thereof consumes considerable time and the same generally runs over years. This is an area of great concern and is being raised time and again across various fora. A project is taken forward through various stages and requires movement of proposals from initial stage to competent authority for accord of ‘in principle approval’, ‘administrative approval’ and ‘expenditure sanction’, ‘technical sanction’ ‘award’ etc. For each of these stages, the file moves to and fro involving multiple levels. Council approved that

  1. Chairperson, NDMC is delegated with the financial powers equivalent to the powers delegated by MHA to Chairperson, NDMC to enter into contracts (currently Rs four crore), in each case, for taking up pre- investment activities.
  2. The delegation is in r/o expenditure prior to the accord of AA-ES, on pre project / pre Investment related activity on the given lines issued by the Ministry of Finance. In case of Policy related aspects, Chairperson may bring the proposal for consideration of Council.

iii. All expenditure on pre project / pre investment activities will be initially booked against the Innovation Fund. In case the project gets matured, the cost of pre investment activities will be transferred to contingencies of the Project. In case, the project is considered non-viable, the expenditure will remain booked under the innovation fund.

  1. AA-ES in r/o all proposals will continue to be accorded by appropriate authority as per extant practice and delegation of financial powers.
  2. Approval for Innovative Financing for Financial Stabilization in NDMC

NDMC needs to prepare a capital investment management plan. There has been regular mention of the same, but no significant work has commenced yet.

 The assignment of Issue of ‘Municipal Bonds’, ‘Green Bonds’, ‘Registration as Carbon Credit Seller Organization’ requires highly qualified, skilled and specialized professionals and NDMC does not have that kind of expertise. The proposal is for accord of in principle approval for appointment of Transaction Advisor and Merchant Bankers for taking up the job.

Council approved the appointment of SBI CAP considering vast experience of SBI Capital Markets Limited.

  1. Operation, Repair and Maintenance of existing PTUs/ CTUs/Roll Call Centers in lieu of Advertisement Rights in NDMC area on PPP Model

Council approved to invite RFP for the work of “Operation, Repair and Maintenance of existing PTUs/CTUs/Roll Call Centers in lieu of Advertisement Rights in NDMC area on PPP Model” comprising 173 PTUs/CTUs and 17 Roll Call Centers.

The scope of work is as under: – The 173 PTUs/CTUs 17 Nos. Roll Call Centers i.e. Group-‘A’ with 43, Group-‘B’ with 66, Group-‘C’ with 56 and Group-‘D’ with 25 are to be maintained by the concessionaire for a period of 08 (Eight) years.

Operation, repair, and maintenance :- This includes operation of the PTUs and CTUs i.e. regular cleaning of the PTUs and CTUs and its surrounding area, functioning of all the fixtures, deployment of dedicated personnel, supervision and providing of consumables. This also includes maintenance and operation of the entire necessary infrastructure provided in PTUs and CTUs such as electricity, drainage, sewerage, waste removal, water etc.

  1. Financial Transformation in NDMC, Business Process Reforms (BPR) thereof

The Finance Department initiated the process of financial reforms in NDMC. NDMC entered into MoU with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) for efficient knowledge sharing and information exchange to strengthen the Municipal Finance, without any financial commitment. Another purpose of the association was to enhance institutional capacity so as to contribute to growth of the region and country as a whole.

It was decided that NIUA will provide NDMC necessary information, materials, expertise and guidance in research and development in the Municipal Finance. Financial Management Consultant, M/s Ernst & Young LLP was on board to plan and provide solutions for financial and project performance improvement.

Business Process Reforms of the financial transformation (Phase 1) of NDMC has been approved by the Council.

  1. Framing of Recruitment Rules (RRs) of various posts

Council approved the framing of Recruitment Rules for the post of Financial Advisor (1 No.), Chief Engineer (Electric) – Category ‘A’, Chemist (Civil) in NDMC.

  1. Revival of 01 post of Principal & 01 post of Vice Principal in Atal Adarsh Vidyalaya (AAVs).

The Council resolved to revive the deemed abolished 01 vacant post of Principal and 01 vacant post of Vice principal in Atal Adarsh Vidyalayas of NDMC.

Now, process will be undertaken by the Deptt. to fill these posts without waiting for formal confirmation of the decision from the Council in the next Council meeting.

  1. Procedure, Policy and Criterion for appointment on  Compassionate Ground in New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)

        On the basis of practice being followed in various Ministries/Departments and instructions issued by DoPT, NDMC had adopted a Merit Point Assessment on a 100 point-scale wherein different attributes of the applicants are given weightage to ensure complete transparency. However, there exists no comprehensive guidelines for this purpose, including norms for consideration of belated cases/old cases.

         Considering the increasing trend in the backlog of old cases of compassionate appointments which could not be covered for want of vacancies, the Screening Committee for compassionate appointments recommended that the NDMC may also consider guidelines similar to Government of NCT of Delhi for all future compassionate appointments.

 Council resolved the recommendations of the High-Level-Committee under the Chairmanship of Financial Advisor, NDMC regarding appointment on Compassionate Ground in NDMC.