Friday, February 21, 2025
HomeNationalDelhiNDMC's Town Vending Committee meeting held .

NDMC’s Town Vending Committee meeting held .

New Delhi: Town Vending Committee ( TVC ) meeting of New Delhi Municipal Council ( NDMC ) was held today and Meeting ended abruptly because of frequent interruptions by some members questioning the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Scheme, 2019.

Before the interruptions following decisions were taken : –

1. The survey shall be carried out strictly as per scheme notified by Govt of NCT of Delhi dated 3rd October, 2019.

2. Both the agencies empaneled by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi shall be utilized by TVC for conducting survey.

3. The survey shall be conducted as per the format prescribed by the aforesaid scheme to enlist the existing vendors operating on grounds on the date of survey.

4. Further clarification w.r.t. the aforesaid scheme shall be sought from Govt. of NCT of Delhi on the issue raised by representatives of few member organisations whether to include or not the name of vendors who are not vending since long and were either removed from the site or have stopped vending on their own.

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