VC-NDMC issued a request letter to LG to review markets – odd-even policy for non-essential shops

Vc-ndmc issued a request letter to lg to review markets – odd-even policy for non-essential shops

New Delhi: After viewing the problems of Market Traders Associations (MTAs), Vice Chairman, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) – Shri Satish Upadhyay issued a request letter to Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor to kindly review the Odd-Even policy for non-essential shops.

While giving a brief representation by Presidents & Secretaries of Market Traders Associations (MTAs) of Delhi and New Delhi area to Shri Upadhyay, the MTAs said in this pandamic we are facing a huge loss of revenue due to odd-even formula. They said that there is only 8-10 business days in a month as on Saturday, Sunday there is a weekend curfew and there is also one weekly off in the market, as per rule. They said in this present scenario it is difficult for us to manage shop rent, workers’ salary and other expenses. The MTA’s requested to allow the opening of shops on all weekdays. The timing may be reduced to 6 pm instead of 8 pm but shops must open in all days. They further mentioned that the odd-even rule should be review or withdrawal as they still are unable to function and recover losses of previous lockdowns.
While going through this situation, Shri Upadhyay requested the LG-Delhi to kindly review the rule of odd-even for the smooth running of their lives. He further mentioned in their letter that metro and buses are operating with full capacity and as per the latest report of Delhi Government the numbers of cases are also reducing day by day.

At last on behalf of MTA, Shri Upadhyay ensure that Market Traders Associations will follow all the guidelines issued by the Government of India time-to-time and for the purpose of awareness in the mass, Shri Upadhyay has already personally visited the Markets of Delhi & New Delhi area to put up Corona Precaution Posters and distribute the Corona Precaution Kits in the mass frequently under the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s motto सेवा ही संगठन on the theme “मेरा मास्क, मेरी सुरक्षा”.