VIDEO: 83-year-old elderly man falls into well in the circle to save the cat…

This is the heart wrenching news of an 83-year-old elderly man who falls into well to save the cat Life.

The daughter in law could not ask the neighbors for help because of coronavirus . she thinks about social distance maintain. The professor’s daughter in law saw him inside the 30th feet well and called firefighters .

Actually, in saving a cat that fell in a well here, an elderly person himself sang in it. After this, the firefighters were forced out after hard work.

Professor PN Tire is 83 years old and loves animals. This is the reason why he worked hard for a long time to remove the cat that fell in the well. However, his balance in the meantime deteriorated and he himself fell into the well.

During this time, the professor’s daughter-in-law caught sight of him. The daughter-in-law saw the professor trapped inside a well 30 feet deep, after which she called firefighters. The team of firefighters then drove the 83-year-old professor out of the well using ropes.

Due to the coronavirus, the professor’s daughter-in-law called the firefighter’s team for help rather than calling the neighbors. At the same time, the elderly trapped in the well kept a mobile flashlight, which helped the rescue team to rescue.

The professor is completely fine in this whole incident and has not suffered any major injuries.


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