Aligarh Muslim University in the grip of Corona

Aligarh Muslim University in the grip of Corona

Agra | In addition to more than 40 serving and retired faculty members of Aligarh Muslim University, many non-teaching staff have lost their lives due to Kovid. Not only that, its graph is going upwards each day. Chancellor Tariq Mansoor lost his elder brother a few days ago in the wake of Corona. The Dean of the Faculty of Law died on Saturday from Corona.

AMU’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital has a large number of staff admitted for treatment.

Social activist Prof Jasim Mohammed Said, “The university administration has failed, the medical college system has collapsed. The VC has not even bothered to demand oxygen. He has not sought help from any quarters. One A hundred people have already died. If the situation does not improve in a month, 100 more deaths may occur. ”

The number of deaths may be very high, but the university official did not state the exact number.

The campus is deserted and there are no classes here. Zeeshan, a university official, said most of the hostels had left.

Many faculty members have left Aligarh. Now a member in Tamil Nadu said, “The epidemic is spreading its wings. People here are psychologically broken.”

Some retired faculty members who have left Aligarh have died in cities like their hometown Bhopal, Hyderabad.

Jasim has sought vital information from the VC through RTI. He has asked the VC about the shortage of medicines, oxygen, ambulances, etc.

Locals allege that the university administration was negligent despite all the resources.

No special mechanism or arrangement has been made. People are reluctant to go to a medical college for vaccination due to fear of infection.

It is not yet clear how many of the dead were vaccinated, although it is widely accepted that some deaths have occurred due to covid-morbidity and age.

According to the district administration, on 8 May, there were 417 fresh cases, 295 were discharged. Local physicians confirmed that the situation was indeed worrisome.