Implementation of e-Governance with 49 Online Services in NDMC


New Delhi: In the present difficult times of COVID-19 Pandemic, NDMC is facilitating to its Citizen to avail the Civic Services through Online.

It is the endeavor of NDMC to facilitate people through the use of technology. The pace and growth of urbanization in India pose enormous challenges to urban governance. During the lockdown period, NDMC strived to increase the number of online services to facilitate the citizens as well as its employees, thereby eliminating the need for them to physically come to NDMC offices. NDMC has taken several IT-based initiatives through technology intervention for strengthening of e-Governance and m-Governance during to improve efficiency and effectiveness in providing Civic Services to citizens in an equitable, non-discretionary and transparent manner.

To overcome this limitation, NDMC is increasingly trying to take their services and interactions with the citizens on the website and mobile platform. Accordingly, NDMC has introduced 49 Online Services on the NDMC website to facilitate the citizens.

NDMC has also implemented the Single SignOn (SSO)/Identity Access Management to improve the user experience and enhance security to Citizens/employees/pensioners and others (as and when required) accessing applications through the internet and intranet. In this Solution, 39 Citizen Services and 3 NDMC employees Services have been placed for access to avail the Services through Single Login after making the registration. NDMC is the First Municipality who has implemented the Single Sign On (SSO)Services to impart the services to citizens as well as their employees.