Israel attack Iran nuclear plant…F-35 Fighterjet bombed nuclear plant

kuwaiti newspaper al jarida Israel attack Iran nuclear plant Israel Air Force Israel and Iran news F-16 fighter

Iran attack Israel latest news: Israel attack Iran nuclear plant. This is latest Israel and Iran news. Israel Air Force F-35 stealth fighter was used for the attack as per kuwaiti newspaper al jarida. Israel has made a tremendous cyber attack on its perceived enemy, Iran. Which is the information that moves the ground under the feet of Iran. It has been revealed that Israel has destroyed Iran nuclear base through this attack.

Israel attack Iran nuclear plant

Israel Iran attack news

Tehran: In the latest incident, Israel carried out a massive cyber attack and made two explosions in Iran’s nuclear facilities. One is a uranium enrichment center and the other is a missile manufacturing center. Not only this, Israel, with the help of its deadly F-35 fighter jet, attacked and destroyed the missile construction site in Iran’s Parchin area.

The incident occurred last week, according to a report by Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida. The newspaper reported that the Israeli cyber attack opened fire on Thursday at the Natanj Nuclear Promotion Center in Iran and caused a massive explosion. Israel attack Iran nuclear plant in this way. This entire center is built underground. Sources said that after this Israeli attack, Iran’s nuclear program has now gone back two months. This is the latest Israel Iran news.

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Israel Air Force Fighter jet F-35 bombed Iranian base and dropped bombs

Israel Air Force: It is being told that Israel launched a blistering cyber attack on Iran and carried out two explosions on nuclear bases, causing a high voltage shock to Iran. According to the information, one of these nuclear facilities is a missile manufacturing center and the other is a uranium enrichment center. The biggest thing is that Israel did this attack on Iran with its deadliest fighter aircraft F-35.

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Kuwaiti newspaper reported information in Al Jarida

It is also important to know here that according to the report of a Kuwaiti newspaper named Al Jarida, it has been claimed that this attack happened last week. At the same time, the newspaper has also informed that this attack by Israel opened fire on Iran’s Natanj Nuclear Enrichment Center on Thursday and there was a huge explosion on sight.

F-35 stealth fighter aircraft attack on Friday

Israel and Iran news today

Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida has also claimed that last Friday, fighter jet F-35 Steel attacked and bombed a hideout in Iran’s Parchin area. It is being said that this was the missile production center.

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Although Israel has not officially confirmed both these attacks till the time of writing the report. Since the news came out, there has been a panic everywhere. It remains to be seen whether Iran takes any action against Israel after this attack on Iran, or is it just sitting hand in hand.


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