One snatcher nabbed red handed by the alert patrolling staff of ps sadar bazar

Delhi: Keeping in view, the regular directions of senior officers regarding checking the menace of criminals and to curb street crime, police presence has been increased in the beat area of PS Sadar Bazar by regular area patrolling and conducting random picket checking during odd hours to surprise the criminals. PS Sadar Bazar staff has also been directed for maximum use of ROKO-TOKO strategy of Delhi Police.

The complainant Shri Gajraj Singh r/o Delta-I, Greater Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, age-67 years, (who runs his own School), reported that on 24.02.2022 he visited Sadar Bazar, Delhi for shopping. At around 04:30 PM, he de-boarded from e-rickshaw at Bara Tooti Chowk, Sadar Bazar. Suddenly, an unknown person started arguing with him saying that he has crushed his foot. The complainant looked downwards, in between the alleged person snatched cash Rs 3,500/- kept in his shirt’s pocket and ran away from the spot. The complainant raised hue and cry.

Ct Sachin and Ct Ankit of PS Sadar Bazar were on patrolling in the area, under the close supervision of Inspr. Kanhaiya Lal Yadav, SHO/PS Sadar Bazar and guidance of Ms Pragya Anand, ACP/Sadar Bazar.

Fortunately, both police officers were passing through the place of occurrence and they heard the noise of the complainant and observed the situation, so instantly responded and after a brief chase they succeeded in apprehending the suspect later identified as Subham @ Tampu, age-25 years. On his personal search, the snatched cash Rs. 3,500/- was recovered from his possession.

Accordingly, a case vide FIR No. 216/22 dated 24.02.2022, u/s 379/356/411 IPC was registered at PS Sadar Bazar and investigation was taken up.

During interrogation, it disclosed that the accused Subham @ Tampu a budding criminal and previously involved in a Snatching case registered at PS DBG Road. He is illiterate and drug addict. Earlier, he used to pull e-rickshaw but due to insufficient income he got indulged in criminal activities to earn easy money and fulfil his lust of drugs. He is living with his parents.  


Snatched cash Rs 3,500/-