NDMC in its Council Meeting approves the proposal for Smart Metering, Smart Grid Infrastructure, Swachhta Scholarship and Water Connection in JJ Clusters.

New Delhi: in its Council Meeting held today presided over by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi , Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture, Govt. of India in the presence of NDMC Chairperson –  Shri Dharmendra,  Vice Chairperson – NDMC, Shri Satish Upadhyay, MLA & Member NDMC, Shri Virender Singh Kadiyan, Member Shri Kuljeet Singh Chahal, Shri Girish Sachdeva & Smt Vishakha Sailani, and Secretary-NDMC – Ms. Isha Khosla considered and approved the following Citizen Centric development proposals in the agenda items placed before it :-

1.Smart Grid Infrastructure including enhancement of existing network in NDMC power distribution area.The work of implementing AMI/IT & SCADA in NDMC on “Opex” Model, was assigned to M/s Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL), PSU under Ministry Of Power, GOI, on nomination basis. A MOU was signed in 2018 and subsequent to signing of MOU, the work of Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI) was started on 19.05.2018.

All the single phase, three phase direct current, LT CT’s and HT CT’s & PT’s static type energy meters of consumers residing in NDMC area were considered for replacement with smart energy meters under AMI scheme. So far, M/s EESL has replaced the two type static meters with Smart Meters in NDMC area: 1.) Single phase direct current meters 2.) Three phase direct current meters.

Now, Council has approved to take over the work of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 11 KV HT Metering Cubical for proper functioning of 11 KV HT CT Smart Meter at a cost of Rs. 40 Crore (approximately) through inviting tender from open market by Electricity department of NDMC.

2. Individual Piped water connection in the JJ Clusters under Jal Jeevan Mission ( Har Ghar Jal).

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India declared the Jal Jeevan Mission on 15th August, 2019 which is envisioned to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024 to all households. This Mission is to ensure that every rural household has drinking water supply in adequate quantity of prescribed quality on regular and long-term basis at affordable service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of rural communities.

On the same theme of Jal Jeevan Mission and Har Ghar Jal, the Council has approved to prepare a scheme in this regard for JJ Clusters in NDMC area.

Water supply Division of NDMC will prepare the report and rough cost estimate with timelines in the due course and place the same in the next Council Meeting.

3. Schemes for Palika Swachhta Scholarships for the wards of Safai Sewak of NDMC and extended for Group C employees children

Council approved schemes for Palika Swachhta Scholarships for the wards of Safai Sewak of NDMC, who are pursuing professional courses in Medical, Engineering etc. in Govt. institution and other eligible entities. The salient features of the scheme includes:

i)Reimbursement of entire fees alongwith Hostel accommodation fees charged by Govt./eligible professional institutes Annually till the completion of the professional course.

ii)The scholarship will be considered upto entering age of 25 years or till the ward of the safai sewak starts earning of gets married whichever is earlier.

iii)The extended scholarship will be released after consideration and completion of some codal formalities.

The Council in its meeting also extended the scheme for the wards of all Group C employees of NDMC.

4. Replacement of 14 Nos. lifts installed at Block-C NDCC Phase-II Building.

Council approved Replacement of 14 Nos.  lifts installed at Block-C NDCC Phase-II Building. This Building is very Prestigious Multi-Story Building with three basements. The Building has been rented out to different organizations like MHA, NDRF and Ministry of Urban Development etc. Existing 14 Nos. lifts at NDCC Phase-ll Block-C Building were installed in the year 1999.  The technology of installed equipments is more than 23 years old. As per CPWD maintenance Manual -2019, it will be replaced with new technology.

The Replacement of 14 Nos. Lifts installed at Block-C, NDCC Phase-ll Building with 05 Years CAMC at a cost of Rs. 8 Crore (approximately) was approved by Council.
5. Reforms-based and Result linked, Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) of Ministry of Power, Government of India for the NDMC area.

A Detailed Project Report for revamping of Sub-Transmission Distribution Network including Feeder, Distribution Transformers and Boundary Metering under Reforms-based and Result linked, Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) of Ministry of Power, Government of India, was approved in Council for the NDMC area.