World Population Day 2020: Slogan, Celebration, Theme, Activities, UNO

World Population Day 2020 Celebration

Why celebrate Population Day or World population 2020 celebration day

On 11 July 1987, the population of all countries of the world crossed the 5 billion mark. World population day is celebrated on 11th July every year. After this, all the countries of the world came on a platform to warn of the threats from the growing population, to control the growing population and to celebrate July 11 (July 11) every year as World Population Day, It goes on to say that the decision to celebrate this program was taken by the United Nations Organization. Let’s know about World population day 2020 slogan, World population day activities, Population explosion and current world population.

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Challenges for the world

Amidst all the problems of the world, the growing population is a big and formidable problem. The increasing population has put the entire human race in jeopardy. Unbalanced weather, the increasing impact of global warming is becoming a challenge for the world. On the one hand, the countries which have come under its grip are working seriously on this formidable problem, while there are many countries in the world where it is still being considered.

World population day activities

What steps has taken to reduce population?

The current population of the world is around 8 billion. Half of this population is only from Asian countries. If we add the population of China and India, then the figure of 40 percent will be touched. China took several drastic steps to curb its growing problem. He made a law that no family in the country can produce more than one child. This reduced the population, but China began to grow old, so it had to amend the law.

World population day quotes

World population day 2020 slogan: ‘Hum do hamare do’

It is not that efforts were not made to stop the population in India. The slogan ‘Hum Do Hamare Do‘ was given. People were made aware of family planning by writing on TV, newspapers and walls. But illiteracy dominated this awareness and could not get any special benefit. The literacy rate of the country has improved in the last 10 years, so the continuously increasing graph of the population has also come down. This is population day theme.

Population explosion, Impact after 10 years

Talking about figures, 25 children are born every minute in the country. Our population explosion is immensely going on at an alarming rate. You will be surprised that this figure is of children born in hospitals of the country, but the number of children born at home has not been added to it. If such population continues to increase, then after 10 years from today, in 2030, the burden of about 500 million people will increase. Who will use the current resources only? A house will be needed to live and forests will be cut for houses. This will naturally reduce it and will also create mutual discord.

Measures for effective awareness

Increasing population is indeed a big problem which is still dangerous today and will prove to be even more dangerous. We need to work at every level to deal with it. Awareness campaigns are needed to be conducted in villages, towns, backward areas and kutcha settlements. Ranges ranging from rallies, street plays, posters to distribution, lectures and processions can be made aware of this. The standard of education has to be increased because education itself is an infallible weapon which can help the world to deal with this problem.

Current world population 2020

World population is proliferating by leaps and bounds which is quite elliptical.  The current world population is 7.8 billion as per worldometers survey and India population is 136 crores and is increasing by minute to minute.


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