To protect the human rights of the citizen is the responsibility of Police : Santosh Mehra DG NHRC

New Delhi:The School of legal studies of K.R. Mangalam University and Bhagidari Jan Sahyog Samiti are jointly organised a Facebook live session on the topic “People’s Perception Towards Police: Myth Or Reality”.Santosh Mehra IPS Director General National Human Rights Commission said that the most dearest thing for anybody is his life and nobody wants to be physically injured. Second thing that is most important is the sense of pride, the self esteem. This translates into various provisions of the IPC and law. The third thing that is most important is our belongings whether movable or immovable property and these three things are protected by only one entity that is by police.

Only when the police is unable to handle the situation then the Judiciary and other organisations step in. It is the responsibility of police to protect the human rights. Hence, there is no conflict of interest between what Human Rights Commission does and what the police does. Other than this it is equally the responsibility of the citizens to protect the human rights. Many a times it has been reported about police not filing the FIR. But there are certainly very genuine reasons when filing of FIR is delayed.

There may be lack of resources at the police station. Police has played a pivotal role in handling the corona virus situations and the policeman have worked as corona warriors in front line. No welfare packages have been announced by the government for the policeman who have lost their lives in Corona times. It is the police man who has balanced the situation during lockdown. Other than the hardships faced by the policeman are the direct sunlight strong breeze, carbon dioxide emission, and continuous standing on feet and minimal of holidays. The image of Police is that it is brutal or it is corrupt. He mentioned that good and evil is everywhere and in all professions. Hence we cannot be judgemental.

Another speaker Vijay Gaur Sr. Correspondent Motherland Voice National Hindi Newspaper and General Secretary, Bhagidari Jan Sahyog Samiti stated that India is a country that has the youth generation that is educated and the candidate that is entering police is far better educated and hence there is a change in behaviour of today’s policemen. They are being trained with the newer techniques and the time will come when we will feel more safer but for this we have to be connected to our police force and support them.
Programme was jointly coordinated by Dr. Kaveri Sharma Dean School of Legal Studies along with the other faculty team members including Dr. Mamta Shankar, Dr. Avjeet Kaur and Dr. Anshul Saluja under the guidance of Ashok Arora.

The programme was also supported by Motherland Voice National Hindi Newspaper, Janmat Samachar, Samachar Varta News Channel and Legal Junction as Media Partners.